Introspective Counselling assists clients in changing old self-defeating patterns of thinking and feeling.

Therapeutic Approaches

Introspective Counselling offers an eclectic approach to therapy involving a variety of disciplines including those described here.

Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis is a theory of personality conceived and developed by Eric Berne MD. It is also a theory of communication and provides a psychodynamic approach to therapeutic change. It addresses childhood issues that affect today’s functioning.


Gestalt is a theory developed by Fritz Pearls. It involves separating different aspects of one’s personality into their separate components in order to reconcile incongruencies and contaminated thinking. This helps restore the client’s personality to a holistic and healthy sense of self.


Psychosculpting is a technique developed by Virginia Satir. It is used in a group environment in which other group members are sculpted into figures from the person’s past. This process enables the client to become reconciled with the issues that emerge from that scene.

Relational Approach

Relational Approach is based on the principle that the therapeutic relationship is at the heart of any successful therapy. It is through negative influences in the past that people develop an unhealthy belief system about themselves. In a positive relationship between the therapist and the client, the therapist provides a healthy relationship upon which the client can build a higher self-esteem.

Redecision Therapy

Redecision Therapy was developed by Bob and Mary Goulding. It examines old negative decisions made by a client in a traumatic situation from childhood that continue to affect the client’s outlook today. It invites new, healthy redecisions to replace the old negative ones.

Group Therapy

Introspective Counselling offers group therapy at a reasonable rate divided into a six session module, with each session at a duration of 2 hours.

Group therapy provides a unique experience of being able to explore issues with group support. One advantage of being in a group is that it provides the opportunity for one member to shadow another member’s work. As one individual works on a particular struggle, it stimulates another person in the group to explore his or her own parallel experience in greater depth. Group therapy can be an effective stimulus for helping a client to resolve their issues more rapidly.